Open Data with Drupal and DKAN

acouch’s picture

This BoF will include a brief presentation and then community discussion about DKAN, a Drupal distribution that mimics the features and API of CKAN natively within the single LAMP stack of Drupal. DKAN ( seeks to make it easier and cheaper for governments that already use Drupal to get started with open standards compliant open data publishing.

Depending on who participates, we may also discuss:

  • Different strategies publishing Open Data with Drupal
  • Trends in Open Data: Attendees will learn about the basic history of opening government data for use first by citizens and then for intended use in applications.
  • NuCivic Data, our Open SAAS product version of DKAN
  • DKAN Roadmap: What is the planned roadmap for DKAN development over the coming year.
  • Next Steps in Open Data and Drupal: Attendees will learn about the future of the CKAN, DKAN, and "Open Government Platform" (OGPL) projects and how to contribute.
  • in Action: Attendees will learn a brief history of and, including integration with CKAN.
  • Open Data for the Masses: Attendees will learn about advances in data cataloging and data harvesting including the development of these capabilities in a drupal distribution DKAN/datastore.
G108 · Capgemini
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 14:15-15:15