Federated digital rights management framework built using Drupal - Kendra Hub

Case Study: A federated digital rights management framework built using Drupal - Kendra Hub

In this case study we look at how and why Drupal was selected as the ideal framework for building an open source digital rights management system: Kendra Hub.

Kendra Hub is a federated system funded by the UK government and will not be a service like SoundCloud or Facebook, but an open source application, building on Federated Social Web technologies that enables artists, record labels, and service providers to collaborate via the development of open standards and protocols.

Using appealing UI 'widgets' such as sliders and draggable elements, the Kendra Hub application provides an innovative but intuitive visual interface to a complex data model.
The Kendra Hub project benefits from and will contribute back to the rich array of Drupal modules available. It has the aim of developing a set of industry standards and protocols for rights metadata and is developing an exemplar site based on Drupal. Kendra Hub will help artists to create collaborative projects quickly and simply, whilst tracking creations and workflow.

Drupal provides an ideal open source framework for developing this system with specific support for:

  • Bespoke data modelling
  • Support for semantic metadata
  • Social media integration
  • Responsive front end design
  • Collaborative development
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Opportunities to contribute back to the community

In this session we aim to cover:

  • What: We are building a complex but easy to use system to manage digital media rights and in this presentation we will cover why we selected Drupal for this project.
  • How: We have built a bespoke data model to manage rights data and are building an example site based on Drupal to illustrate the concepts. In Drupal we are employing modules such as Views, Panels and Display Suite along with data modelling, custom code and bootstrap themeing. We will present the first version to illustrate these concepts.
  • Why: Surprisingly enough the music industry and other creative media industries are poorly supported by systems that manage the assignment of rights. With increasing industry support and positive feedback we aim to provide an open source and federated solution that can be used to create a system of 'nodes' around an open hub to enable artists and their agents to manage their own rights.
  • Who: Kendra Initiative is funded by the UK government through the Technology Strategy Board. The project is being managed by Kendra's founder Daniel Harris with support from Darren Mothersele and Blue-Bag (Guy Schneerson and George Boobyer)
  • When: We are in the process of completing the first version which is being used to widen the support within the music industry and we will demo this during the presentation. We aim to have a distributable version ready for wider use in 2015.
  • Result: The aim of this project is to establish procedures, systems and standards that people can use to establish rights protection in a federated way using open source systems. There will be a freely available Drupal distribution to enable users to create 'hubs'.

This is a radical new approach to music licensing that is gathering a lot of interest from artists and the industry in general and is a excellent example of using Drupal in the 4th generation web as outlined by Dries in the DrupalCon Austin keynote.


Daniel Harris (http://drupal.org/user/99862) spoke at DrupalCon Paris 2009 on Using Drupal for Media Asset / Content Management, Semantic Syndication / Promotion and Commerce (http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/using-drupal-media-asset-content-...) and has a long history of speaking at conferences (http://www.kendra.org.uk/news.php#past-events) for Kendra Initiative.

Darren Mothersele (https://drupal.org/user/259320) has been speaking at DrupalCons and DrupalCamps and other Drupal developer events since he became a full time Drupal developer in 2007.

Guy and George have both spoken at local Drupal events.

Schedule info
New: Case Studies
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Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x