"Aah, there's a module for that!" A case study.


"Aah, there's a module for that" is the answer to most "How do I...?" questions in Drupal. This session looks at a simple website (Lingopolo.com) to see concrete examples of the main modules and techniques used to build and manage the site.

What problem do each of the chosen modules solve? How do they work? What can they do?

The hope is that by seeing these modules in a real-life situation you might see one or two which could be used to great benefit in your own project.

The modules covered include:

  1. front end modules (Panels, Mini panels, Views, Views delimited list, Entity Views Attachment, Taxonomy, Pathauto, Entity Reference, Relation, FAQ, CKEditor, IMCE, jPlayer, Redirect, Global redirect)
  2. admin modules (Google Analytics, Administration Menu, Dashboard, Module Filter, Node clone, Field Group, Devel, Features, Backup & Migrate, Views Bulk Operations)
  3. custom modules (why were they needed?)
  4. others (Rules, Login toboggan, Workbench)
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Drupal 7.x