Case Study: University of Helsinki


This session is a story about the renovation of the University of Helsinki's main web systems. How the old, stiff, waterfallish public tendering, and finally development process was overrun by smart, agile methodologies. How control of all points of potential failure were taken with automated testing, strict code review, advanced deployment workflow, external auditors, and lean processes of failing fast and minimizing waste.
Why Drupal was chosen and how we leveraged and extended its tools like Scald with completely new, panels like functionality. How we handled the need for small project sites with install profiles. How we made sure all this can handle the high traffic the system will be bombarded with. And finally, how we open sourced everything.

The first half will be from the customers perspective: Selecting the framework, choosing the team and overall making the project processes succesful.

The second half will be held by the development team(Druid Ltd), and will go through the development and deployment process as well as the different tools and modules we used and extended.

Schedule info
New: Case Studies
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x