A real life study of large scaled personalization with Drupal for one of the biggest extranets in Europe.

I would like to share with you how Actency’s technical team has realized a large extranet under Drupal for one of our clients. This implementation meets the following requirements:

  • The company can define complex business-rules to define user-profiles
  • Every element, yep, really every single element of a page like title, every paragraph of text, every link ... is customized and profiled.
  • 80.000 users represent about 80.000 profiles, so we decided to use a real user-centric access-system to manage the visibility of more than 50.000 micro-contents
  • Security is a high-priority issue, so we used the node-access-system of Drupal to show/hide micro-contents for each user.
  • Performance is also a major and sensitive issue : we are able to deliver complex pages with customized content under 2 seconds.

Learn how we used massively the Queue-API in the personalization process.
Follow our use of Organic Groups to create a large-scaled personalization.
Be ... perhaps ... astonished of how Panels have saved the performance-issue.

And if you have any doubt that MySQL can handle this kind of requirements hear about our experience to handle tables with more than 200 million entries on this project.

You can learn about the do's and dont's that we have experienced during the project.

Several members of our team like to share with you the global architecture, module-configurations, code and needed patches.

Schedule info
Business Showcase
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 14:15-15:15
G109 · Amplexor


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