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Sign up to be a mentor

We are looking for volunteers to serve as mentors to help new contributors at our Mentored Core Sprint sprint.

Mentors help new contributors set up their development environments, find tasks, and work on issues. We will hold a sprint and training session that will help prepare mentors - be sure to attend this session!

Here's how you can help

  • Help identify tasks for first-time sprinters in BoFs during the week.
  • Attend BoFs to help people set up their tools and local development environment.
  • Mentor for a half day or the whole day during the Mentored Core Sprint
  • Assist participants in First-Time Sprinter Workshop.
  • Review participants' work on the day of the sprint.
  • Help organize the sprint day: help people choose the right sprint room for them, greet people, take pictures, etc.

Need help attending DrupalCon?

There are a limited number of free DrupalCon ticket coupons available for people who sign up to mentor.