Do you measure? Intro and hands on with Google Analytics and Drupal.

Everyone talks about KPI´s today, but do you really measure how your site perform?

We believe that adding the Google Analytics module to your site is not enough, even though you get a lot of valuable statistics. from it.

The goal with this session is to give the audience a better understanding of the minimum configuration requirements you need to do and also give you some hands on examples on how to do some more advanced tracking with Drupal.

Some topics we plan to cover in the session:
Why measure at all and how does it connect to a development project?
Intro to GA, Universal Analytics
Open source alternative(s) - Introduce Piwik
Some words on other tools

Hands on stuff
Configure search tracking
Event tracking
Content Experiments (A/B testing)
Creating filter for dev & test environments
Exposing 404's

Schedule info
Drupal Business
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: