Drupal Continuous Integration


If you have ever felt the need of improving your Drupal workflow but you never had time to spend researching the tools and the practices, this one's for you!
We are going to cover the basic approach that will get your Drupal installation up and running into a full Continuous Integration environment and take a look at the tools employed in the process: Composer, Phing, Jenkins, Drush, Features and Migrate.
We'll also see how Drupal Ignite, a simple command line tool, will help us setting everything up in the blink of an eye, removing some of the burden found when getting started with all of these tools.
If all of that wasn't enough already, we'll also take a look at some tools we can use to write tests, such as PHPUnit and Behat.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x