This talk is about website performance and a search for possible problem areas. Using a real-world example of a low performance Drupal website, we will analyze and discover the reasons of the performance issues, as well as suggest ways to resolve them. We will not review the well-known issues of performance optimization geared towards result caching. We will focus on the speed of generating data prior to the caching stage. The analysis of the code executing process will show all bottlenecks, all typical and atypical problems and errors.
- Drupal bootstrap performance
- Influence on performance of missing modules, handlers and files
- Block timings and caching
- Popular modules performance issues
- Comparison of rendering views with fields and entities
- Comparison of cache engines
About Speakers
Denis Shishkov (vzblk) is a Lead Software Engineer at EPAM Systems. He has over 12 years of experience in software development. He plays different roles in the company and in the projects: architect, team leader, developer, mentor, and consultant. He is an adept of performance optimization and Drupal.
Dmitry Morozov (webmorozov) is a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead at EPAM Systems, a Research Assistant at Scientific and Technological Park of the BNTU "Polytechnic" with 6+ years of experience in applications geared towards the media, entertainment and publishing businesses, and production automation. He has completed and participated in many Drupal projects including long-term development of media websites for Blue Chip customers with millions of visitors.
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