Philosopher George Santayana once famously said that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. From the American Revolution to Napoleon's Russian Campaign and U.S. 20th century foreign policy, history is littered with stories of success and failure.
In this session, we'll use these stories as case studies, examining how their lesson apply to things that internal project teams and external vendors can do to maximize the potential for success on larger Drupal projects with lots of stakeholders.
Specifically, we'll focus on topics like:
- Managing executive stakeholders and institutional buy-in.
- Managing budget, timeline, and scope so that your team can be as effective as possible.
- Common-sense negotiation techniques.
- Knowing when and where to compromise while avoiding appeasement.
We'll talk about how to do achieve shared goals while maintaining maximum transparency and empathy.
Not only will you come away with a better understanding of how to approach your next web development project, but you'll also gain a greater appreciation for some of history's lesser-known stories.
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