I am an organizer and one of the founders of Siberian Drupal Community DrupalSib (http://drupalsib.ru/)
Main theses of my presentation:
- I want to talk about Drupal in Siberia and Russia and what problems do we face building community in Russia
- Our goal - make Drupal the de-facto standard in sphere of web-development in Russia
- I want to let know global community that there're many active members of Drupal community in Russia and we want to join forces with the Association
- Opensource solutions like Drupal with such strong international community is a future and no Putin or Obama can prevent it :)
- We plan to organize big DrupalCamp in Siberia (100-200 people) in 2015 and want to invite somebody from the international community
- I want to share how we integrated Drupal in Novosibirsk State Government (about ~70 sites will be moved on Drupal to the end of this year) and how we want to make Drupal the standard for Russian government solution in IT
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