Future-Proof your Drupal 7 site


Drupal 8 is coming! But what decisions can you make now on your current or new Drupal 7 sites to make transitioning to Drupal 8 easier? Dave will cover new features available in Drupal 8, and how you can use those new features now in Drupal 7.

  • What field modules can I use that work the same as Drupal 8?
  • What WYSIWYG editor should I use?
  • How can I start preparing to migrate my existing Drupal site to Drupal 8?
  • What kinds of modules can I use so I don't have to retrain my editors and administrators when we move to Drupal 8?
  • I'll also cover some basic concepts for those of you writing Drupal 7 modules that you can do right now to better prepare yourself for writing modules in Drupal 8.
Schedule info
Site Building
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 14:15-15:15
Emerald · Acquia