Without proper preparation, various challenges can arise when localizing websites and software applications into Português, Русский, français, Italiano, Español, deutsche,
中文, 日本語, 한국어, and other languages. If your website or software application may require localization, you should internationalize it first to avoid costly, time-consuming reengineering or rewriting.
Internationalization is preparation that ensures better localizability. It helps ensure your localization process will be streamlined and cost effective. For example, an error may cost $1,000 to fix during internationalization in English, or the fix may cost $25,000 when localizing into 25 different languages. If that fix is not rolled back to the source, then the same error may cost another $25,000 to fix with each successive version. Better yet, why not save on all of the cost and internationalize from the very beginning!
Be internationalization savvy. Learn how to develop localization-ready web sites and software applications. Easy-to-implement, do-it-yourself tips and lessons will include the following:
The 7 Elements of Localizability
How to Quickly Test for Internationalization
Cultural Internationalization Tips for Websites & Software
Key Features to Spot in a Localization-Friendly Content Management System (CMS)
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