Over the past year, we’ve been working on an extensible personalization framework for Drupal. Very broadly, we are talking about being able to show different content to different visitors depending on all kinds of criteria. The actual criteria are the specifics, so we built this as a pluggable system. Whether it’s A/B testing, specific rules about who sees what content (e.g. visitors from Canada see this variation, whereas visitors from the US see another), or some form of adaptive learning, you need a framework that supports the idea of different content for different visitors. That’s what Personalize module provides.
In this session, Kat Bailey and Dave Ingram will explain the overall architecture of Personalize module, sub modules, and related modules (such as Visitor Actions module), demonstrate what can be done with the Personalize module alone, then dive into the code and show how several different kinds of plug-ins can extend the functionality to personalize different kinds of things, render them in different ways, and extend the Visitor Context that's available to site builders for building personalization rules.
Kat Bailey is the lead engineer for Lift at Acquia, and Dave Ingram is a solutions architect at Acquia working on Acquia’s personalization offerings. The personalize module was built for use by Acquia Lift, but can be used without it. This talk is not about Lift.
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