Move Fast and Make Things: CI to CD with online tools

Continuous Integration is a known best practice, and everyone wants to reach the velocity of Continuous Deployment... if they can do so safely. While there are many ways to build out CI/CD infrastructure from scratch, there’s as much (if not more) complexity here as setting up Drupal development and production environments.

As a result, these practices are often out of reach for teams who don’t have the expertise or time to invest in maintaining another set of infrastructure for their project.

However, in the past few years, several services have emerged that aim to help developers reach their goals of using CI and doing CD while minimizing complexity and responsibility. In this session we’ll look at ways to quickly wire together tools like:

  • GitHub
  • CircleCI
  • TravisCI
  • Wercker (Amsterdam’s own “Open Delivery” champion)

To create a workflow that allows development teams to use best practices without becoming “accidental sysadmins” and enable them to focus on the applications they’re building.

This will be a practical session on how to use free tools to automatically test and deploy your Drupal application with ease.

Co-Presenters: Tom Kirkpatrick (SystemSeed), Micha Hernandez van Leuffen (Wercker)

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: