Realising successful discovery phases


The discovery phase founds the base of a good working relationship between client and the agency. It is a crucial phase in a project - budget and price models are agreed upon, expectations need to be set to the right levels, roles need to be defined. This all is not enough - at this stage little is known about the project and about the people that will be the counterparts.

We as an agency have learned from a lot of painful mistakes that I am not ashamed of talking about. We are hard on ourselves - our motto is 'there are no bad clients, just bad project managers'. There is often more that we can influence as an agency that we think and want to admit.

I will present our approach that we have developed over the years and use for each new client. What we have experienced is that a well-structured discovery phase gives you a professional standing, a good position in case of conflicts and allow you do handle your projects efficiently.

This talk is for Drupalistas that do project management, sales or client consulting and want to deliver more value to their company in those roles.

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Drupal Business
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