This is a case study/show case of a project we have been working recently for large online reservation company .
Original website was built on Drupal. As part of an initiative to deliver mobile capabilities, an API was built that reused all the custom work built for website. The difference being Drupal was used as a Library.
This session covers
- What is Silex and why?
- Why not Drupal + services module
- How to integrate Silex with Drupal
- Real minimal bootstrap (or bootstrap per route) vs JS module + Dependency management
- Running Drupal as API (Headless) + CMS
- Handshake Drupals Translation & localisation capabilities with Symfony's translator components
- How we manage single build and deploy of both Silex and Drupal using Jenkins
- Working our way through various cache mechanisms in Drupal
- How we learnt patterns and best practices from Drupal8 while building Silex App
- Delivering API docs for consumers through Swagger and PHPdocs for developers.
Things to remember
Drupal registry, lock system & Configuration system
Packagist + github Contrib is awesome (better unit test coverage than Drupal contrib!)
Drupal Contrib is (most of the times) tightly bound to content and DB while packagist contrib modules are built as libraries
Managing Exceptions at multiple layers to avoid WSOD.
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