While mobile content is growing, print is not dead. Organisations with legacy content in books, face the challenge to maintain both.
Our client publishes legal books and CD-Roms. They are losing customers to online publishers. They need a way to compete with the online publishers without losing their traditional customer base.
Single-source publishing uses the same content to publish to various channels (print, online, cd-rom, ...) with minimal manual interaction.
The print editor exports the books from their DTP software 3B2 in XML format. We built a custom module to upload and transform the XML for Drupal . The rest of this single-source publishing solution comes out-of-the-contrib box: feeds xpath parser, book explorer, apache solr, field permissions, commerce...
Drupal tranforms 5 printed books into a website with +15K nodes in half an hour.
When the client had migrated their corporate website to Drupal, it made sense to use Drupal for their other content. The Drupal alternative had a ROI of 2 years just by reducing the production costs.
- Drupal developer with XML background
- Drupal themer
- DTP operator
- Chief Editor
- Fixed price budget
- 40 developer days
- 5 themer days
- Duration:
- 6 months
What have we learned?
- Scope! Editors tend to focus on details ;-) If you don't timebox, you'll be polishing the test version forever.
- Drupal is mature: reliable contrib module handle +15K nodes very well.
- XSLT learning curve is worse than Drupal.
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