Proposed Sessions

Session Speakers Experience level Track
Multiple sites, always the same terms, control from a single point. Challenge accepted! graphityx Intermediate New: Case Studies
MySQL 5.6 - Online Operations and Improved Diagnostics morgantocker Intermediate DevOps
MySQL 5.7 davidstokes Beginner DevOps
MySQL 5.7 - Core Server Changes morgantocker Advanced DevOps
MySQl Query Tuning for Drupal Developers davidstokes Beginner Coding and Development
MySQL Scaling -- From 1 to N servers with sanity davidstokes Beginner DevOps
Nancy & Paul: A Drupal Case Study on Happiness. NancyBeers, SqyD Beginner Drupal Business
Need functional testing but don’t know where to start? Behat_Editor: a complete functional testing tool ready for your organization yurtboy Intermediate Drupal Business
New approach for the Views & Entity integration with Field Embed Views webmorozov, vzblk, k0teg Intermediate Coding and Development
New to Drupal - Get Involved jenmontgomery7 Beginner Drupal Business
Nuts for SQL'rs netw3rker Intermediate Coding and Development
O Product Where Art Thou? An Agency’s Quest to Product Nirvana ronald_istos Intermediate Drupal Business
Omega theming techniques d.pagkratis Beginner Frontend
One does not simply use sass with drupal - an advanced look (back) at common practice bechtold, ak1ra Advanced Frontend
One Web: building quality solutions in a multi-device era vollepeer Beginner Frontend
Open Source isn’t Just Good, it’s Good Business levelos, Alex UA Intermediate Drupal Business
Optimizing MySQL Queries with EXPLAIN morgantocker Intermediate Coding and Development
Oracle MySQL for Drupal: features, configurations and tools marco.carlessi Intermediate DevOps
Patterns of Dependency Injection matthiasnoback Intermediate Coding and Development
Performance Testing Crash Course dustinwhittle Intermediate DevOps
