Announcing DrupalCon Amsterdam Keynote Speaker Cory Doctorow
We are thrilled to announce one of the keynote speakers for DrupalCon Amsterdam: Cory Doctorow, renowned science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger.
Doctorow is well-known as the co-editor of Boing Boing, and frequently contributes to The Guardian, the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, Wired, and many other newspapers, magazines and websites. Formerly the Director of European Affairs for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Doctorow is a vocal advocate of freedom in technology law, policy, standards and treaties.
We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Doctorow to the stage at DrupalCon Amsterdam, where he will discuss net neutrality and privacy and whatever else is on his mind.
We would like to issue a big thank you to all of our sponsors that are helping make DrupalCon Amsterdam a reality. To become a sponsor, contact our sales team. In the meantime, don’t forget to register to attend the conference.