Selling "Collaboration:" Lose the Buzzwords and Deliver Real Value

Collaboration tools are everywhere, and our clients are asking for everything from "asset management" to "social sharing" to "data privacy" to "instant communications." But it's tricky -- our clients often don't really know what they want, they're confused by all of the jargon out there, and they're replacing horribly antiquated systems. That's a challenge, but it presents a huge opportunity for our businesses.

From deep in the trenches of building portals, replacing intranets, and creating collaboration solutions for our clients, the Open Atrium team at Phase2 has learned a lot about delivering collaboration for clients. You'll hear from both sides of the house: Nicole Lind on the client services team, and Karen Borchert on the Open Atrium product team.

This session will help you ask your clients the right questions about collaboration and what they are REALLY looking for when they drop those buzz words. It will help you understand what kinds of collaboration tools are available now in Drupal, and it will show you how to deliver collaboration to your clients the "open source way."

You'll leave armed with real tools: a clear understanding of the collaboration market, conversation starters for your current clients, and ideas for how to truly deliver collaboration with Drupal.

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Drupal Business
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