Proposed Sessions

Session Speakers Experience level Track
Catalyze your creativity and save time and money with open tools and resources -Darius- Intermediate Frontend
Centralized Digital Asset Management (DAM) system as Drupal distribution boyan.borisov Intermediate Coding and Development
CG Marketplace - digital commerce, single sign on, and awesomeness ! GuGuss, bojanz Beginner New: Case Studies
Changing Vendor Lock in to Vendor Addiction! westie Intermediate Drupal Business
Charting the New Front-end World JohnAlbin Beginner Frontend
CKEditor Widgets luisortizramos Advanced Coding and Development
Clientspeak to Drupalese: Creating Better Development Plans davidneedham Intermediate Drupal Business
Cloud Foundry Accelerates "DevOps+" yas Intermediate DevOps
Coding with #d8rules fago Intermediate Coding and Development
Cointools: Drupal & Bitcoin == $awesome jbrown Intermediate Coding and Development
Commerce By Example (Lab) nvahalik, joshmiller Intermediate Site Building
Commerce Marketplace Lab: Use Cases and Example Implementations maciej.zgadzaj Intermediate Site Building
Commerce Pricing Attributes: Apply pricing rules to products depending on attributes nchar Intermediate Site Building
Committing into git jthijssen Advanced Coding and Development
Community meets Business: How Drupal changes the Web by Connecting Open Minds dasjo Beginner Drupal Business
Component styling + CKEditor: how to provide controlled flexibility Mindewen, Amber Himes Matz Intermediate Frontend
Component-based frontend development with Atomic Design, Pattern Lab, BEM, SMACSS, Twig, and Drupal 8 illepic Intermediate Frontend
Configuration management in Drupal 8 alexpott Intermediate Coding and Development
Configuration schema in Drupal 8 vijaycs85 Intermediate Coding and Development
Content Entites in D8 cgalli, bedir Intermediate Coding and Development
