Proposed Sessions

Session Speakers Experience level Track
Drupals first date - Drupal Freshman ThijsBos Beginner Site Building
Druphpet - Virtual LAMP with steroids k0teg Intermediate DevOps
Drush Ecosystem moshe weitzman Intermediate Site Building
Drush for fun and profit ergonlogic, cweagans Advanced Coding and Development
Drush Make-Driven Development rgs Intermediate DevOps
Dungeons & Dragons & Drupal tobby Intermediate Coding and Development
Easily Create a Map of Amsterdam WiFi Hotspots with Leaflet and Geofield Amber Himes Matz Beginner Site Building
Eating ElePHPants: Lessons learned from Drupal 8 Crell Intermediate Coding and Development
eCommerce with Drupal: flexible and quick robertoperuzzo Beginner Site Building
Effective Communication for Developers mikebell_ Beginner Coding and Development
eLife - pushing the frontiers of Open Access Scientific publishing - with Drupal as a core component IanMulvany, nlisgo Beginner New: Case Studies
Emergency Preparedness for your Drupal Site dgorton, ronan Beginner Site Building
Everyone wants a bargain scotthooker, dwkitchen Beginner Site Building
Everything I know about software management I learned from Fred Brooks Crell Intermediate Drupal Business
Extending Aegir cweagans, ergonlogic Intermediate DevOps
External Entities in Drupal Ericmaster Advanced Coding and Development
Fakeperformance mklawonn Intermediate Site Building
Fast By Default & Even Faster Wim Leers Advanced Coding and Development
Fatal Errors in Communication: Avoiding pitfalls in client management jcrespo Beginner Drupal Business
Fearless Development with Vagrant ergonlogic Advanced DevOps
