Proposed Sessions

Session Speakers Experience level Track
Content is Drupal's business - so make it yours! pameeela Beginner Drupal Business
Conversion Rate Optimization joshmiller Intermediate Drupal Business
Create futureproof, maintainable stylesheets following the Drupal CSS coding standards and today's best practices thamas Intermediate Frontend
Creating the WOW Factor with Drupal anthonylindsay Beginner Drupal Business
Crushing it front to back: a beginner’s guide to Drupal jcrespo, legittalon Beginner Coding and Development
Custom and Compound Fields in Drupal 8 tobby Intermediate Coding and Development
CXual Healing: Content Creators are people, too! acrollet Beginner Site Building
D8 FTW Inline Editing Translations Abstractions ZOMG joshmiller Beginner Site Building
Data Driven Decisions, making sense of imagination land idevit Intermediate Drupal Business
Data migration with Drupal using the migrate module Luukyb Intermediate Coding and Development
Data Validation with the Symfony2 Validator Component hhamon Intermediate Coding and Development
Database Locking and Concurrency Control morgantocker Advanced Coding and Development
De-risking early Drupal 8 projects - a panel discussion kvantomme, Schnitzel, rcross, Crell Advanced Drupal Business
Death & Taxes, the web can't escape dwkitchen Intermediate Drupal Business
Debugging HTTP lornajane Advanced Coding and Development
Declarative Programming in Drupal sreynen Intermediate Coding and Development
Delivering Agile Drupal snipebin, sebas5384 Intermediate Drupal Business
Delivering success with Drupal adub Advanced Drupal Business
Dependency Injection Smells matthiasnoback Intermediate Coding and Development
Designing in the Browser is Good for the Environment* nordicmaterial Beginner Frontend
